Be a Reader!

Celebrate all the lights and miracles of Baltimore as we come together each night of Hanukkah. Unwrap one of the greatest gifts this year—celebrating the strength and diversity of our community—by joining us as featured readers for one of the nights.

Each night’s program will last around 30 minutes and include a story and craft related to a Hanukkah inspired theme.

Your family will be paired with a professional staff member from one of the partner organizations who will facilitate each night’s activities and provide guidance before and during the event. If you have a strong relationship with one of the hosts from a partner organization, let us know, and we will try to match your family with them.

You can see the available date and times here.


Have a favorite Hanukkah book in mind you would love your family to read? Let us know, and we will work with you to find the perfect night to read it.

Not sure what book you would like to read? We can find one that fits your preference and send you a copy!

Books can relate to the story of Hanukkah or to a theme found in the Hanukkah story and traditions such as leadership, pride, or resilience. 

Is your family ready to join us as story readers for one of the nights? Sign up using the form here.

Activities and Candle Lighting:

A professional staff member will lead an activity related to the story. If your family would like to help pick or lead the activity, let us know. We’ll make sure you have the materials you need to help facilitate the craft or similar activity.

Each night will finish with lighting the candles of the menorah. Let us know if you’d like to assist with the candle lighting for your night, or if you’d prefer to have the professional staff member lead this section.

Still have questions? Contact Laura Grant at

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