Announcing a new monthly JMM Zine!

The first edition of a new monthly zine project by the Jewish Museum of Maryland is hot off the presses!
A zine (pronounced “zeen”) is a self-published piece of media that is typically produced in small, limited batches. Zines can be about anything and touch on topics from music, art, and politics, to comedy, graphic art, and personal memoir. They can be handwritten, drawn, typed, or collaged, or combine words and images in other ways.
As for the JMM zine, each one will focus on a specific Jewish month, sharing content about the holidays, rituals, traditions, and ideas related to that month. This first one is about the month we are currently in, Av, which falls this year between July 19 and August 17.
You can pick up physical copies of the monthly zine in the Lombard and Lloyd Library, located in the grassy corner of the JMM’s campus at the intersection of Lombard and Lloyd Streets.
If you’re curious about finding more Jewish zines, check out the Jewish Zine Archive.
We hope to provide space for people both at the JMM and beyond to share their thoughts and creations as they relate to where we are in the Hebrew calendar. If you would like to contribute to the zine, please email the JMM’s Community Artist-in-Residence, Naomi Rose Weintraub, at Also reach out to Naomi if you’d like a copy of the zine mailed to you each month.
In this month’s zine:
- “Av Reflections” by Ami Weintraub
A short piece about the month of Av, plus questions to guide introspection throughout the month.
- “Sabbatai’s B-day” by Mark Gunnery
A short piece by the JMM’s Director of Communications & Content about the connection between Tisha B’Av and Sabbatai Tsevi, a 17th century religious figure who many Jews believed to be the messiah.
- ”Love, Magic, Tu B’Av, And The Evil Eye” by Rebekah Erev
A transcript of an interview with Rebekah Erev on Disloyal, the JMM’s podcast, about the magic and rituals of the holiday Tu B’Av.
- “Reclaiming Tu B’Av: A Short Comic” by Naomi Rose Weintraub
A comic made by JMM Community Artist-in-Residence Naomi Rose Weintraub about Tu B’Av and ideas for making the holiday more inclusive to LGBTQIA+ communities.