Apply Now: JMM Educator Cohort
Are you a graduate student? Interested in Jewish studies? Curious about museum education?
The Jewish Museum of Maryland is seeking graduate students to form an Educator Cohort.

Members of the Cohort will:
- Deliver existing digital education programs for the Museum
- Develop evergreen education programs
- Empower teachers to foster discussion and share resources with their students
Ideal candidates will:
- Root their practice in anti-bias education, multidirectional memory, and social-emotional learning
- Have experience in a related field, including but not limited to education, Jewish studies, history, immigration studies, or museum studies
- Seek to hone their educational skills and grow as museum professionals
- Have availability for onsite work at the JMM campus
Length of commitment:
- Nine months
- $5,000 stipend distributed in monthly installments
To apply or for more information,
email by January 15, 2024
Cohort members will have an opportunity to reapply to the program following their original commitment. A different pay scale will apply at that time
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