JMM Monthly Zine: Elul 5783

This is the second edition of a new monthly zine by the Jewish Museum of Maryland.
In each issue of the zine, the JMM shares content about the holidays, rituals, and ideas related to each of the months in the Jewish calendar.
This month is Elul, traditionally a time of reflection leading up to next month’s holidays of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah.
This year Elul falls between August 16th and September 15th, 2023.
In this month’s zine:
- Elul Reflection Space
An interactive worksheet to help process the past year in preparation for the next Jewish year, 5784.
- Elul Acrostic Poems
Elul themed acrostic poems written by JMM staff members, and space to write your own.
- “Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and… Kreplach?”
Short essay and kreplach recipe by former JMM Gift Shop Manager Esther Weiner.
- Collections Collage
Digital collage and short description by JMM Communications & Public Art Coordinator, Naomi Rose Weintraub.