JMM Monthly Zine: Tevet 5784
This month’s zine focuses on Tevet, which goes from December 13, 2023 to January 10, 2024.
Jewish time aligns Tevet in the middle of the year, whereas the new Gregorian year of 2024 is only just starting.
In addition to welcoming the renewal of the Gregorian year, Tevet enters on the tail end of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights.
How can we hold onto the light during the dark winter months?
Tevet contains the shortest, darkest day of the year, Tekufat Tevet, the winter solstice. There are four Tekufot, Hebrew for seasons or cycles, that align with the winter and summer solstices and the autumn and spring equinoxes.
What power can we find in times of darkness? What power can we find in times of rest?
This month’s zine was made using the same folding technique that was used for the Cheshvan zine. This method turns one piece of paper into a mini-booklet with 8 pages. Check out this guide on how to fold-and-cut an 8-page mini zine.