JMM Monthly: Sivan 5784

This month’s zine focuses on the Hebrew month of Sivan
This year, in the Northern Hemisphere, Sivan marks the end of spring, the start of summer, and the summer solstice!
Sivan welcomes revelation, reopening, and relearning. Like a blossoming flower, Sivan welcomes us to open up and learn something new!
Sivan starts with Shavuot, a holiday devoted to collective learning. Shavuot is sort of like a time machine, with rituals recalling the revelation of the Torah, the Hebrew Bible, on Mt.Sinai.
Jewish tradition teaches that every soul who was, is, or will be Jewish was present at the foot of Mt. Sinai at the time of receiving Torah.
Many Jewish communities celebrate Shavuot by staying up late and teaching and studying Torah together.
- What has Sivan taught you so far?
- What do you hope to learn during Sivan?
- What do you hope to teach during Sivan?
This month’s zine features artwork, personal reflections, book recommendations and a DIY art project inspired by the month of Sivan.