JMM Monthly Zine: Iyar 5784

This month’s zine focuses on the Hebrew month of Iyar.
During the month of Iyar, not only do we count the omer, as explained in last month’s zine, but, on the 18th of the month, we celebrate the holiday of Lag B’Omer.
Lag B’Omer lands on May 25th to May 26th on the 2024 Gregorian calendar.
The holiday honors both the Bar Kokhba revolt when Jews fought against Roman rule in the 2nd century BCE, and its most famous survivor, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Shimon bar Yochai is believed by some to be the author of the Zohar, a central text of the Jewish mystical tradition, though most contemporary scholars believe it to be mostly written by 13th-century Spanish kabbalist Moses de León.
Many communities celebrate Lag B’Omer by organizing a communal bonfire. This tradition is thought to represent the “spiritual light” introduced to the world by Shimon bar Yochai.
This month’s zine features photos of Lag B’Omer celebrations from the JMM Collections and an illustration created by Naomi Rose Weintraub, JMM Public Art Coordinator.