Tag: National Parks

Traveling with Grace: The Cliffs of Yellowstone

In today’s #TravelingWithGrace we explore cliffs and rock formations (and maybe one or two more geysers) in the wonderful Yellowstone National Park! To read more of Grace’s travels, click here. Thursday,

Travels with Grace: The Wonders of Yellowstone

In today’s #TravelingWithGrace we explore more geysers, enjoy the landscapes of Wyoming, and even eat some fish. To read more of Grace’s travels, click here. Saturday, July 19, 1947 Yellowstone Park,

Travels with Grace: Yellowstone National Park

In today’s #TravelingWithGrace she continues her visit to Yellowstone Park! To read more of Grace’s travels, click here. Wednesday, July 16, 1947 Yellowstone Park, Wyoming Weather: Fine We took a ride

Traveling with Grace: On to Old Faithful!

In today’s #TravelingWithGrace the journey continues into Yellowstone Park! As previously noted, Grace’s observations sometimes contain less-than-ideal descriptions and references to under-represented populations that some readers will find distasteful. Please

Travels with Grace: Washington State, 1924

Welcome to the next segment of our 2019 #TravelTuesday series: Traveling with Grace. Today Grace heads to Washington State! Tacoma August 3, 1924: Left Portland this morning at 10 o’clock