
JMM 1986.083.004. Gift of Delma Harris and Julia H. Shalowitz.

Volunteer at JMM

Volunteering at the Jewish Museum of Maryland is a meaningful way to connect the past with the present and engage with our community. Whether you’re helping preserve history or supporting new initiatives, your contributions help us serve and share stories that matter.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers serve as Museum docents, with more positions to come in the future. At this moment, our docent roster is full. We will update this page when opportunities to serve become available.

Docents at the Jewish Museum of Maryland share a passion for history and enjoy bringing it to life for visitors. They lead tours of our two historic synagogues and exhibitions, interpreting history for adults, families, and school groups of all ages. Docents receive training focused on the history of Baltimore’s Jewish community, ensuring they can share this knowledge in an engaging and unbiased way.

Please note: Our historic synagogues are only accessible by stairs and are not currently accessible to those using walkers or wheelchairs.

What are Volunteers Saying about JMM?


“It’s very simple. The JMM is a wonderful institution, staffed by highly dedicated, professional and creative people who are great to be with. I really appreciate the learning opportunities afforded me in serving as a docent. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with museum visitors and learning from them as well.”

-Volunteer Docent Phil


“I love volunteering at JMM for several reasons. It is fascinating to meet such a mix of interesting people representing different cultures and religions. How wonderful to introduce them to our Jewish culture and history. It’s also very special to lead school groups from both Jewish and non-Jewish ones who come to learn about the synagogues and the current exhibits. What a wonderful way for me as a docent to gain more knowledge both from my fellow docents and from the literature telling the intriguing stories behind the scenes. I am so pleased that I am able to be a part of the JMM family.”

-Volunteer Docent Rita


“During this first year of being a docent I have had the pleasure of sharing my love of Baltimore Jewish history with people from all over the world.  Being a volunteer has brought me joy and a sense of accomplishment. I appreciate being around the kind employees and volunteers at the Jewish Museum.   Being a volunteer provides for the opportunity to learn something new every single time I give a tour. The general “vibe” at [JMM] is so positive, it’s just a great feeling to be there.”

-Volunteer Docent Robbin

Get in touch

To learn more about volunteering with JMM, please contact JMM’s Volunteer Coordinator, Wendy Davis at: wdavis@jewishmuseummd.org


Shape our future

Engage with a mission that matters. Your support strengthens our efforts to connect people to Jewish experiences and Maryland’s Jewish community to its roots. Explore the lasting benefits of contributing through donations, membership, and volunteering, and see how your generosity drives our success.