2023 Report to the Community

JMM 2023 Report to the community pdf download
President’s Report:
Over the years, I have had many relationships with JMM—as a student researcher, amateur genealogist, education intern, volunteer docent, and board member. In preparation for my current role as president, I served as the executive vice president during FY23.
Seeing JMM’s inner workings from this perspective made me even more excited to serve in this position. Connecting regularly with staff members deepened my appreciation for their work and talents. Strengthening relationships with board members and meeting volunteers reinforced the dedication towards JMM. Meeting collaborators and visitors reminded me of why we do this work.
In my speech at the May 2023 Annual Meeting, I asked attendees to respond to two prompts on either side of a notecard. On the front of the card, “What connects you to JMM now?” On the back, “What promise do you see of JMM’s future?”
On the front of the card, attendees provided more concrete answers: the historic synagogues, neighborhood, exhibits, events, and specific staff and board members. However, on the back, attendees described lofty concepts using keywords such as “inclusive,” “community,” “engaging all ages,” and “diversity.”
How will we use this year to bridge the discrete elements of the past with visionary hopes for the future?
“The Year of Renewal” is how I refer to FY24 because the JMM will focus on transforming in three ways:
1. Remodeling the visitor-facing interior, including our in-person and digital brand identity;
2. Updating internal processes, systems, and work culture;
3. Preparing for the development of new exhibits.
While the physical building is closed to the public, JMM is very much open for business–through remote visitor offerings, including numerous exhibit websites, virtual tours, monthly zines, and the Disloyal podcast—all while staff members manage the capital project, brand renewal, internal workings upgrades, exhibit development, and related fundraising.
Following this “Year of Renewal,” we will have the facility, digital presence, and back-end support to create content, programming, and exhibits that engage all ages across the affiliation spectrum, including those outside the Jewish community, while serving as an asset for our neighbors in Jonestown and Jewish Baltimore City residents.
I am grateful to have studied under Nancy Kutler’s tutelage for FY23 and am thrilled (and feel ready!) to serve as president in FY24 with the support of JMM board and staff. Please join me in celebrating JMM’s accomplishments to date and cheering JMM on during its next phase—connecting the two sides of the notecard to become one seamless story.

Erika Rief Hornstein
Board President