Synagogue Bulletins

November 8, 2012
by jewishmuseummd

Today is a great day!

The Jewish Museum of Maryland has been collecting synagogue bulletins for years as a resource for staff and researchers, but until today we didn’t have a good way to get out the information about this collection.? We?ve had these bulletins, but it took a dedicated intern to organize 26 linear feet of material and create a detailed list of the congregations and bulletins.? This took some time but today the process was completed! This blog contains an abbreviated version of that list (which can also be found in our online collections database).? If you?re interested in more detail about which dates are included in this collection contact the archivist.

Synagogue & Congregation Bulletins of Maryland


The Jewish Museum of Maryland


This active collection consists primarily of Maryland synagogue and congregation bulletins, newsletters, leaflets, etc. The bulletins and newsletters are weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, and contain information about each synagogue?s and congregation?s announcements, discourses, workings, and information about each synagogue or congregation. Some of the synagogues and congregations included registries or other materials that are marked in the inventory. This is not a complete collection of all synagogues and congregations in Maryland, and not all of the bulletins are a complete run. The files are organized in alphabetical order by name of congregation, and the bulletins are organized chronologically.

Adat Chaim (Reisterstown) — May 1994 through November 2007

Agudath Israel of Baltimore (Baltimore) [The Lasson Agudah Center] — n.d, Volumes 137, 139, 143, 145-148, 150, 152, 160

Am Kolel (Rockville) –Aug 2003 through April 2005

Anshe Emunah-Aitz Chaim Congregation (Baltimore) [Liberty Jewish Center] — Apr 1963

Baltimore Hebrew Congregation (weekly) — Dec 1962 through September 2006

Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. Courtesy of Paul Schlossberg. 1984.24.2

Baltimore Jewish Cultural Chavurah (Towson) — July 2003 through September 2005

Bat Yam (Ocean City) — April 2002 through March 2011

Temple Bat Yam. Courtesy of Dianne Feldman. 2002.75.1

Beit Tikvah (Mt. Washington) — November 1978, September 1991 to 1997

B’er Chayim (Cumberland) — July 2003 through present

Beth Am (Baltimore) — July 2003 through December 2011

Beth El Congregation (Baltimore) — April 1963 through November 2006

Beth El Congregation (Bethesda) — July 2003 through present

Beth Israel Synagogue (Lexington Park) — March 1997 through March 2009

Beth Israel Congregation (Owings Mills) — April 1996 through present

Beth Israel Synagogue on Liberty Rd. Courtesy of Louis Beck. 1987.173.60

Beth Jacob Congregation (Baltimore) [weekly] — December 1961 through December 2005

Beth Shalom (Columbia) — July 2003 through March 2004

Beth Sholom Synagogue (Frederick) — July 1995 through December 2010

Beth Sholom (Potomac) — November 2003 through January 2009

Beth Tfiloh Syngagoue (Baltimore) — June 1962 through Present

Beth Tfiloh pre-school class of Mrs. Eve Marks and Mrs. Silverstein, Baltimore, December 1960. Courtesy of Eve Marks. 1995.170.1

Bethesda Jewish Congregation — November 2003

B’nai Abraham (Hagerstown) — July 2003 through March 2008

Early B’nai Abraham congregation location. 1987.137.3

B’nai Israel (Rockville) — September 2005

B’nai Shalom of Olney — September 2003 through December 2004

B’nai Tzedek (Potomac) [Jewish Congregation of Suburban MD Inc.] — January 1997 through present

Bolton Street Synagogue (Baltimore) — November 1989 through October 2010

Calah Congregation (Columbia) — January 2004 through June 2010

Chestertown Havurah — January 2004 through May 2007

Chizuk Amuno Congregation (Baltimore) — February 1956 through present

Congregation Har Shalom (Potomac) — June 2003 through present

Columbia Jewish Congregation (Columbia) — July 2003 through Sept 2004

Congregation Or Chadash (Germantown/ Damascus) — October 2003 through present

Gaithersburg Hebrew Congregation (Gaithersburg) — August 1971 through March 1973

Har Sinai Congregation (Baltimore) — May 1963 through February 2009

Jewish Community Center of Prince George County, Inc.? (Greenbelt) — July 2003 through August 2006

Kneseth Israel (Annapolis) — June 1998 through December 2001

Kneseth Israel, Annapolis, c. 1995. Courtesy of Eric Goldstein. 2001.113.22

Kol Ami (Annapolis) — August 1997 through May 2005

Nevy Shalom (Bowie) — January 2000 through August 2005

Ner Tamid Greeenspring Valley Spring Synagogue (Baltimore) — July 2003 through August 2007

Ohr Kodesh (Chevy Chase) — March 1997 through present

Oseh Shalom (Laurel) — July 2003 through May 2010

Shaarei Zion (Baltimore) — September 1961 through June 2010

Shaarei Zion at Park Heights Avenue and Hillsdale Road, n.d. 1987.137.38

Shearith Israel (Baltimore) — 1992, 2003 through present

Shearith Israel Synagogue at Park Heights Avenue and Glen Avenue. 1987.137.15Temple Emanuel, c. 1980. Courtesy of Paul Schlossberg

Shomrei Emunah (Baltimore) — July 2003 through January 2004

Temple Beth Ami (Rockville) — October 2003 through March 2009

Temple Emanuel (Baltimore) (weekly) — March 1963 through October 1968

Temple Emanuel/ Kol Kore (Kensington) — January 2004 through March 2009

Temple Emanuel (Reisterstown) — January through December 2003

Temple Isaiah (Columbia) — August 2003 through March 2007

Temple Oheb Shalom — December 1961 through present

Temple Shalom (Chevy Chase) — July 2003 through September 2006

Temple Solel (Bowie) — April 1998 through present

Tikvat Israel Congregation (Rockville) — July 2003 through June 2012

Winands Road Synagogue Center (Randallstown) — July 2003 through present

Winands Road Synagogue Center, c. 1980. Courtesy of Paul Schlossberg. 1994.24.33

Young Israel of White Oak (Silver Spring) — through present

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