Tag: archives

Manuscript Collection 5: Louis J. Fox Papers

Louis J. Fox (1911-1995) Papers, n.d., 1929-1981 MS 5                                                                              ACCESS AND PROVENANCE The Louis J. Fox Papers were found in the collection of the Jewish Museum of Maryland in July

Manuscript Collection 1: Dr. Stephen Laufer Papers

Dr. Stephen (Schulim) Laufer (1894-1983) Papers 1908-1978 MS 1   ACCESS AND PROVENANCE The Dr. Stephen Laufer Papers were donated by Dr. Stephen Laufer and Mrs. Wilma Laufer Gabbay, a

Spotlight on Collections

The majority of our archival collection here at the Jewish Museum of Maryland dates after the construction of the Lloyd Street Synagogue (1845). This isn’t surprising giving the size of

MS 43 and MS 163: Temple Oheb Shalom

Once before I posted two related collections together and here I’m going to do it again. We have two manuscript collections related to Oheb Shalom congregation. Here’s a little of

MS 55 The Louis E. Shecter Collection

Louis E. Shecter (1901-1992) Collection n.d., 1921-1985 MS 55 Jewish Museum of Maryland ?ACCESS AND PROVENANCE The Louis E. Shecter Collection was found in the collection as MS 55. Multiple

MS 206 The Felix Kestenberg Collection

The Felix Kestenberg (1921-2008) Collection n.d., 1987-2008  MS 206  Jewish Museum of Maryland ACCESS AND PROVENANCE The Felix Kestenberg collection was donated to the Jewish Museum of Maryland by Veronica

MS 147 Hendler’s Creamery Collection

 Hendler Collection n.d., 1905-1985  MS 147  The Jewish Museum of Maryland Access and Provenance  The Hendler Collection material was donated to the Jewish Museum of Maryland by Mr.& Mrs. Samuel Boltansky