JMM Insights: Dwelling in a Time of Plagues

We invite you to take a drive or a walk or a bike ride to 15 Lloyd Street and experience in the absence of a proper mourning. This outdoor art installation, created by artist Tal Beery is accompanied by an online experience and a formal written response from author Rebecca Soffer.
in the absence of a proper mourning combines imagery that documents absence – empty chairs on a pixelated Zoom screen, with the words of those who have experienced loss and grief during this past pandemic year. The exterior installation features two of these images and interviews and will change out to feature each of our participants.
We encourage you to experience the full weight of in the absence of a proper mourning by engaging with the full width images and longform audience interviews hosted on the JMM website. You can also click on any of the images below to be taken directly to an audio excerpt.

Companion Programs for in the absence of a proper mourning:

Faiths in Mourning
Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 7:00pm
Traditional expressions of grief and loss have been severely restricted during covid. Our panel of speakers will discuss how different faiths are facing these challenges and are adapting their traditions in these troubled times.
Register Here
Recordings Available:
Virtual Opening with artist Tal Beery
Recorded on April 1, 2021
Watch Now
Dwelling in a Time of Plagues: Passover
National Opening
Recorded on March 25, 2021
Watch Now
Download the full Dwelling in a Time of Plagues exhibit brochure here.

Inspired by the story of Passover and the 10 Plagues visited upon the Egyptians, the works for Dwelling in a Time of Plagues reinterpreted the themes of Passover in response to our times and our unique partners.

Reminder: Executive Director Sol Davis is holding weekly office hours to meet you! Make an appointment for a virtual visit and share your thoughts, ideas, and aspirations for JMM.
Click to schedule an appointment now!
Esther’s Place: Online Shopping Survey