Tag: Temple Oheb Shalom

Researching Photos from the Oheb Shalom Collection

Blog post by JMM archivist Lorie Rombro. You can read more posts by Lorie HERE. Recently I was working on a photograph collection of images from Temple Oheb Shalom. I came

Going For a Drive Up Park Heights Avenue

A blog post by Director of Collections and Exhibits Joanna Church. To read more posts by Joanna click HERE. Growing up in Montgomery County, I did not spend much time in

MS 43 and MS 163: Temple Oheb Shalom

Once before I posted two related collections together and here I’m going to do it again. We have two manuscript collections related to Oheb Shalom congregation. Here’s a little of

Synagogue Bulletins

Today is a great day! The Jewish Museum of Maryland has been collecting synagogue bulletins for years as a resource for staff and researchers, but until today we didn’t have

MS 37 Rabbi Benjamin Szold Papers

Over the fifty years that the Jewish Museum of Maryland has been in existence we have received a large number of materials related to Benjamin Szold and his descendents, which